Rollingwood Women’s Club Meeting
Date: May 6, 2019
Location:Rollingwood Pool – Western Hills Athletic Club
Attendees: 25 people
Minutes submitted by: Natasha Harris
Minutes approved by: Kelly Dixon
President Kelly Dixon opened the meeting.
The minutes from the April meeting are on the website. Laila Scott made a motion to approve the minutes. Shanti Jayakumar seconded. The motion passed.
Hospitality chair Tracy Steingold kicked off the end of season festivities with a game of Been There Done That.
Special Events Coordinator Amy Imes provided a post 5K race report. She thanked everyone for volunteering. There were 250 registrants, and we raised an estimated $5K this year. Also, thank you to Liz Busch for chairing the fund raising.
Amy shared we are in need of a chair and committee for the 4th of July Parade and Party in the Park. Macey Delcambre volunteered to chair the Party in the Park. The following members volunteered to serve on the committee: Laila Scott, Sandra Farrell, Tracy Steingold, Shanti Jayakumar and Jenny Hill.
We are also in need of entertainment groups for the parade as well as a singer for the national anthem.
There was general discussion and brainstorming about options:
- Westlake Color Guard - tried to get last year and were too late.
- Former RWC presidents in a car, cart or float?
- How about a RWC choreographed group?
- The Samba band is $1,500 – does someone want to sponsor it?
- Leslie Kirkpatrick may have a contact for a horn band
The fireworks watching party at Zilker Clubhouse will not include Pinkberry this year. Selling food is against the rules for the Clubhouse. If someone wants to coordinate/organize bringing in ice cream, etc. and accept donations, contact Amy.
There was an update on the directory. It is currently at the printers and will be distributed early June.
Kelly thanked all outgoing board members and announced the slate for next year’s board:
President— TBD
Membership— Christina Lobes
Program Director— Kelly Peck
Treasurer — Jessica Garcia
Secretary— Natasha Harris
Hospitality— Tracy Steinfield
Special Events Coordinator— Macey Delcambre
Fundraising— TBD
Historian— Shanthi Jayakumar/Becky Kittleman
Parliamentarian-- Melissa Morrow
Tammi Esson made a motion to approve the slate of officers. Cindy Reed seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Kelly shared more information about the open Fundraising position. This position is mainly for the 5K thus is typically more active from the first of year through May 1. Roseann Ferraro, a previous 5K/Fundraising chair, has a great “to do” list to guide the position. It typically includes organizing volunteers to go door-to-door reach out to businesses. Heidi Marquez Smith has a lot of ideas to help streamline our fundraising “ask” going forward. This position could be split between two people. This an idea we’ve used on swim team, and it’s worked well.
A nominating committee was formed to find a new president. Cindy Reed will chair the nominating committee. Members will include Jenny Hill and Ellen Ambrose. If anyone else is interested, please contact Cindy or Kelly.
Kelly thanked Hospitality Chair Tracy Steinfield for all of the wonderful food, decorations and activities at our end of season party. The meeting schedule for next season will be announced in August.