Minutes of the First Rollingwood Women's Club Board Meeting of the 2023-2024
Season Date: Monday, August 14, 2023 Location: Chinatown Westlake Attendance: Pari Schacht (President) Emily Nolan (Membership) Marnie Fitzgerald (Co-Programs Director) Courtney Harvey (Treasurer) Amy Rung (Secretary) Jessica Sandate (Hospitality) Maggie Broglio (Hospitality) Macey Delcambre (Special Events Coordinator) Bunny Michel (Social Media) Laura Michael (Marketing) Malini Rajput (Playdates) Rachel Tys (Socials) Meeting Proceedings:
1. Opening and Introductions: The meeting was called to order by President Pari Schacht. She welcomed all attendees and they introduced themselves. 2. Program Schedule Overview: Marnie Fitzgerald, the Co-Programs Director, provided an overview of the 2023-2024 Rollingwood Women's Club Season Schedule. A preliminary schedule was distributed. 3. Discussion on improvements for the September 19th Wine & Cheese Event The following decisions were made: ● Encourage members to make online payments prior to September 19th. ● Establish a dedicated line for pre-paid members during check-in to expedite the process. ● Arrange for additional volunteers equipped with computers to facilitate efficient member check-in and reduce wait times. ● Implement a prominent volunteer board right after check-in, accompanied by a board member to encourage volunteer sign-ups. ● Announcements at Wine & Cheese to include the RWC's mission. Encourage members with neighborhood improvement ideas to work on proposals for the voting meeting in February 2024. 4.Introduction of Playdates Role: Malini Rajput introduced the new role of organizing playdates for members with children of similar ages, fostering connections and camaraderie among members with kids. 5. Budget Presentation: Courtney Harvey distributed the Rollingwood Women’s Club Budget for the 2023-2024. The current account balance stands at $26,208, and Courtney projected an estimated gain of approximately $2,000 for the fiscal year. A vote on the budget was held, and it was unanimously approved. Maggie Broglio motioned to pass the budget, seconded by Courtney Harvey. 6. Discussion on New Club Website: Laura Michael provided insights into the progress of the improved Rollingwood Women’s Club website she is developing. She announced plans to share a beta site link along with a feedback form via email. All feedback on the new site is requested by Friday, August 18th. Additionally, members were reminded to submit their photos and brief bios if they hadn't already. 7. Next Board Meeting: The board agreed to hold the next meeting in November 2023, although the exact date remains to be confirmed. Adjournment: The meeting concluded at approximately 7PM. Recorded by: Amy Rung (Secretary) Approved by: Pari Schacht (President) Date of Approval: 8/16/23