We are looking for anyone interested in serving on the Board next season. Contact Kelly Dixon if interested kdixon314@me.com. Job descriptions listed below:
Rollingwood Women’s Club Officers and Job Descriptions 2019-2020
President: The president is to preside over all meetings, ensure that each officer has what they need to perform their appropriate duties and ensure that each officer is following through with their responsibilities. Specific presidential responsibilities also include contacting the mayor, city administrator, members of the Parks Commission and President of the Community Garden in September for requests of funds. Those requests are to be voted on in the November meeting and presented to the City Council by the President in January. The president will work with the Special Events Coordinator to ensure that major events (5k, Egg Hunt and Fourth of July) have chairs and should follow up with those chairs throughout the planning to ensure that the programs are indeed following a budget and being planned correctly.
Vice-President of Programs: Find a speaker and location for each regular meeting and location for socials (Wine and Cheese Party in September and Holiday Party in December). Meetings are usually held every third Tuesday of each month from 7-9pm, and business meetings are held in November and April. Programs chair will oversee printing and mailing of paper invitations in late August for the Wine and Cheese which will also include meeting dates and locations for the 2018-2019 year. Any invitations that are to be sent via Rollingwood water bill must be printed out on 8 ½ x 11 paper NOT FOLDED and taken to City Hall one week prior to the water bill being mailed out. The water bill is usually mailed out the 3rd or 4th of each month. Two weeks prior to each meeting, VP of Program is to coordinate with the VP of Hospitality, speaker and host of the meeting to ensure everyone knows location, time, etc. VP of Programs will introduce each speaker to membership and follow each meeting up with a personal note of thanks to the speaker. All board members are expected to assist the Hospitality Chair with set up or clean-up of meetings and socials, including the Holiday Party.
Vice-President of Membership: Collect membership dues and member contact information including but not limited to: name, amount paid, method of payment and email address. Coordinates with Treasurer to keep membership rolls and dues paid up to date, particularly at Wine and Cheese Meeting in September. Once data is collected, create and update mailing list for Gmail account with rwcmembers@gmail.com for the year. Responsible for sending regular emails about upcoming events and meetings to membership. Fields requests to join the group and inquiries to new members after verifying applicant address. This includes requests that come in via the RWC Facebook page as well as the rwcmembers@gmail.com emails. If the RWC chooses to update the directory, the effort would be spearheaded by the VP of Membership. The same goes for a “welcome committee” for new residents of Rollingwood. City Administrator (cityadmin@cityofrollingwood.com) at City Hall will provide the names and contact information of all new residents. All board members are expected to assist the Hospitality Chair with set up or clean-up of meetings and socials, including the Holiday Party.
Vice-President of Hospitality: Hospitality Chair will purchase and store the wine, cups, napkins, plastic ware, name tags and markers for name tags and ice for each meeting. The chair is the liaison between the RWC and the hostess for each meeting. At the end of the meeting Hospitality helps the hostess with clean up with assistance from Board Members. The hostess is responsible for providing water and serving trays if needed, but all refreshments are supplied by RWC. The Chair will also be responsible for the End of the Year Party, including securing the pool and providing food, water, alcohol, plates, napkins, plastic ware and decorations as well as set up and clean up. Submits receipts to Treasurer for reimbursement.
Recording Secretary: Take notes including date, location, speaker and rough number of attendees at each meeting. Once minutes are complete, forward to President for approval. After approval, post minutes and any photos provided by Historian on www.rollingwoodwomensclub.com two weeks after each meeting as well as publicizing minutes and announcements on @rollingwoodwomensclub Facebook page. The Secretary also manages social media updates, and general RWC information on website, NextDoor and Facebook page including creating calendar events to publicize meetings and events. All new member inquiries found on the Facebook page will be forwarded to VP of Membership. All board members are expected to assist the Hospitality Chair with set up or clean-up of meetings and socials, including the Holiday Party.
Treasurer: Oversees RWC Account, manages bank account and reports on budget as needed to committee members and/or member meetings. Responsible for depositing money collected from membership dues and fundraising activities. Receive and pay bills and issues checks to disperse funds on approved club activities. Sets and manages budgets and works with president to ensure that each officer has a set budget and expenses are kept within budget. Treasurer will prepare a statement of current funds to membership at each meeting. When the Treasurer is absent for a meeting bank balance will be provided to the President to announce in the meeting. Coordinates with Membership Chair to keep an up to date roll of paid members. All board members are expected to assist the Hospitality Chair with set up or clean-up of meetings and socials, including the Holiday Party.
Special Events Coordinator: This position would be the primary contact between the City and individual event chairs. She would be responsible for logistics and date setting of major RWC events (5k, Egg Hunt and Fourth of July parade and Party in the Park) including getting permits, maintaining equipment for events and managing storage space in the garage. Event chairs would still oversee the individual events, but the Special Events Coordinator would support them. All board members are expected to assist the Hospitality Chair with set up or clean-up of meetings and socials, including the Holiday Party.
Financial Development Chair: This position would manage asks, sponsorships and prize donations for RWC fund raisers like the Egg Hunt (if applicable) 5k and Fourth of July. She would be responsible for recruiting and managing subordinate fundraisers, as well as see that thank-you notes and pertinent tax information was sent out to those who donated. All board members are expected to assist the Hospitality Chair with set up or clean-up of meetings and socials, including the Holiday Party.