RWC Meeting
Oct 26, 2021
At the home of Isabel DelBlanco at 404 Riley
President Marnie Fitzgerald called the meeting to order and thanked the hostess, Isabel
DelBlanco. There were about 65 members in attendance. She noted that this was the first
regular RWC meeting since February 2020.
There were no minutes from the previous meeting to read. There was no treasurer’s report.
Since it had been so long since our last meeting, there were too many new members to
introduce themselves but said they would be introduced at the next meeting. Marnie
encouraged members to pay dues which continue to be $20 a year. Cash and check are
accepted, but dues can be paid on the website, too. Because we haven’t been able to have
fundraising events, RWC events like Christmas Party and Trail of Lights, Egg Hunt Sat before
Easter, Fourth of July Parade will have to be funded by dues and donations. She pointed
members to a sign-up board to participate in future events. She requested hosts for the
November, February, March and April meetings. Introduced the Board.
President-- Marnie Fitzgerald
Membership Chair— Kelly Peck
Secretary— Kelly Dixon
Hospitality-- Eliza Schindler
Special Events-- Macey Delcambre
Parliamentarian— Melissa Greenwood
Historian— Shanthi Jayakumar
Thanked Macey for her special efforts on the 4th of July and presented her with a gift certificate
for a massage.
Shanthi spoke about the life of long time Rollingwood resident and RWC member, Flo Macklin
who died last month at 93.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be Monday Nov 15th 7pm at the home of Kelly Dixon.
Submitted by Kelly Dixon
Approved by Marnie Fitzgerald