RWC Meeting
April 26, 2022
At the Home of
Holly Massengill
4907 Southcrest Dr.
President Marnie Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. Twenty members were in attendance. Because the secretary had been absent the previous meeting there were no minutes to approve. Also, there was no treasurer’s report. Marnie directed members to posters with open board positions for 2022-23 and encouraged people to sign up.
Marnie relayed an update about the Butterfly Garden spend project that we approved in February. Mary-Elizabeth Coffer emailed a report of progress on the garden and thanked the volunteers for their hard work.
Our speakers were Rollingwood resident and Certified Health Coach Sally Sykes and Brooke Nichol from Saving Face, a local cosmetic spa. Sally spoke about the roll that healthy habits play in our appearance especially as we age. Brooke explained treatments that her business offers and her own health journey after Covid.
The next RWC meeting will be May 16th at the pool.
Minutes Submitted by Kelly Dixon
Approved by Marnie Fitzgerald